Dear Friends,
I promised last time that I wouldn't plug our new releases, so you'll have to look elsewhere in this issue for word of them. Instead, I'm going...
Dear Friends,
I'm still living in the studio, it seems. Only last month I recorded and mixed the last tunes for THE ALLIGATOR RECORDS CHRISTMAS COLLECTION, w...
Dear Friends,
Seems like these days I can hardly get out of the studio long enough to write these "letters." Over the weekend I was finishing what I hope are...
Dear Friends,
Well, as usual, I'm exhausted from a series of long nights in the studio. This time I'm mixing the upcoming release by the roughest, rawest ban...
Dear Friends,
Some of you noticed that my letter/ad didn't appear in the last issue of LIVING BLUES, nor did any other Alligator advertising. As you may have...
Dear Friends,
I promised that this time I wouldn't use up valuable reminiscing space touting new Alligator releases, but I will tell you what they are: NO FO...
Dear Friends,
Seems like I’m still living in airports. Just six days ago I returned from a very successful tour of Australia with Lil' Ed and the Blues Imper...
Dear Friends,
Seems like I’m always writing these on the way to or from airports. I just got back two hours ago from three weeks on the road in Europe with K...
Dear Friends
I’m frantically squeezing this letter in between two overseas tours with Koko Taylor. Last night we returned from ten days in Europe and in two ...